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A Journey Through Musical History

Square Notation: Ancient Musical Notation of Medieval Europe

A Journey through Musical History

Square notation refers to the final stage in the evolution of pitch notation in the annals of musical history. This method of notating musical pitches emerged during the Middle Ages and was primarily employed in the composition of liturgical music. Square notation played a significant role in shaping the musical landscape of medieval Europe, providing a standardized system for recording and transmitting musical works.

Iconic and Symbolic Scripts

Square notation employed a series of iconic and symbolic scripts to represent musical sounds. Each script carried a unique meaning, allowing medieval musicians to accurately record the pitch and duration of notes. Over time, the neo-nomenclature of these scripts, as described on page 254 of a historical reference, has evolved, but its origins can be traced back to the old scripts used in the Middle Ages.


Square notation served as a cornerstone of medieval musical expression, enabling the creation and preservation of countless liturgical works. Its standardized system ensured that music could be transmitted across geographical boundaries, fostering a shared musical tradition within the European continent. The iconic and symbolic scripts employed in square notation remain a testament to the ingenuity of medieval musicians and continue to inspire contemporary scholars and musicians alike.
